Genome Browser in a Box config
The Gbib is a Ubuntu 14 (=supported until late 2019) VirtualBox VM with apache, mysql and the genome browser (see Preparing_VirtualBox_images). It has a special hg.conf, uses the tableList tables in all organism DBs and loads most files from hgdownload on the fly.
For QA release instructions, see Gbib release
Development for the Gbib is a different business and described in Gbib development.
Administrators of the Gbib image might find the page Preparing_VirtualBox_images worth a look.
The Gbib update process is described in detail on a separate page Gbib updates
Updating a box
On the box, the update is started by /root/
By default, it updates the box to "release" state, which is the one on hgdownload, but can also update to "devbox", "alpha", or "beta" states, these can be prepared by developers or QA during testing, see Gbib release
The script updates various directories on the box:
- cgi-bin: from hgdownload (or from hgwdev, if alpha/beta/devbox state)
- htdocs: from hgdownload (or from hgwdev, if alpha/beta/devbox state)
- mysql: always from hgdownload
- additional files from a "push" directory on our servers: e.g. additional icons, the tableListAdd.*.tab files in /root and a special hgNear script. Depending on state, from hgdownload or hgwdev
- html patches: Remove menu items, change some text. Static code.
- some mysql tables (via hgMirror): remove some tracks from search, hide some tracks, load /root/tableListAdd.* etc. Calls hgMirror for this.
protected tracks (see below) are not updated.
Protected tracks
protected tracks are tracks that are not on hgdownload but are available from the box. Currently these are OMIM and hgmd, but will hopefully include LOVD and decipher one day.
These tracks are missing from the tableList table in hg19, so their tableList info is in /root/ and is added to tableList after each rsync. This is done by hgMirror, (is called from, as hgMirror includes all local post-rsync database changes.
The track tables are added manually to the box once by developers and are not changed by
OMIM is a copy of the OMIM tables (copied in Apr 2014).
The HGMD table is a pointer to a bigbed file on hgdownload. Our binaries include code to add a password when this file is loaded via https. This password is only compiled into the code when the compilation is done on a system with access to the hive and the password is not part of the source tree.
Auto updates
The script is called by cron every five minutes. This can be changed with autoUpdatesOff and autoUpdatesOn as user "browser" (see ~browser/.bashrc).
The script checks if a flagfile on hgdownload has changed relative to a local file. If it has not been changed, then the script just stops.
Pushing files into the box
If a CGI release requires other files, outside the cgi-bin directory, or special software on the box, these files have to be pushed into the box.
To push a file into the box, on hgwdev, copy it into /usr/local/apache/gbib/push/ in many cases you will have to create the right subdirectory. Note that /usr/local/apache/gbib/push/ is the "root" of the box. After each update, the box will put the files and subdirs from /usr/local/apache/gbib/push/ into /.
You can test if this works by running as qateam on hgwdev
boxPrepare beta
and then on the box
updateBrowser beta
If it works, tell the pushers to push the push directory onto hgdownload. On the next update of the box (usually Sunday), all boxes will pull the push directory into their root directory.
If an update requires an ubuntu package, you will have to add "apt-get install" commands to and put the new script onto hgdownload again.
How to make a config file change of the box and apply it to all boxes
- change a file, like hg.conf,, ~/.bashrc or anything else in your own GBIB and test it.
- if it's the script, scp it to hgwdev:/usr/local/apache/htdocs/gbib/ If it's any other file, scp it to the correct subdirectory under hgwdev:/usr/local/apache/htdocs/gbib/push. The push/ directory is rsynced into the box's root directory, so the path in there has to correspond to the path in the GBIB.
- do a ' hgwdev <yourHgwdevUsername> alpha' on your own GBIB and type your password three times to try an auto-update on your own GBIB from the CGIs and other files on hgwdev (the data will come from hgdownload. This is because we have no alpha version of hgdownload.)
- if everything is still working, notify the gbib buildmeister of the change. Depending on what you changed, request a push of either hgwdev:/usr/local/apache/htdocs/gbib/push or hgwdev:/usr/local/apache/htdocs/gbib/ to hgdownload:admin/gbib/push or hgdownload:admin/gbib/
- timing of the push:
- many changes don't depend on the CGI version or the data version, so you can push them at any time. Most GBIBs will pick them up on the next Sunday night.
- depending on the change, the timing can be important, as all gbibs on auto-update mode will update themselves with new CGIs and the new data tables when Jorge's scripts update hgdownload which usually happens on Sunday night. Your changes to the push/ directory or the update script will get copied into the gbibs at this time. For for CGI-dependent changes, it's best to do the push to hgdownload after the release (of course) but before the next Sunday