Assembly QA Part 1 DEV Steps
From Genecats
Welcome to the Assembly QA Part 1: DEV Steps page! 😎
Page created Fall. 2016 by Cath, Jairo, and ChrisV.
This page is currently a draft in progress.
For now, use Releasing_an_assembly instead.
Dev.1: Set up a directory in hive
- You will need a place to put output. Make a directory in your hive:
mkdir /hive/users/userName/assemblies/assemblyName e.g.: mkdir /hive/users/cath/assemblies/manPen1
- Optional: Create an alias to your new dir
Dev.2: Claim it in Redmine & PushQ
- Find your assembly in the associated Assembly Redmine ticket.
- If there is no Redmine for your assembly, you should create one, assign to yourself, and add the engineer as a watcher.
- If one exists, read carefully, assign it to yourself. Make sure the engineer is a watcher.
- For any issues found in the QA process, report in the Redmine ticket.
- Find your assembly in the PushQ
- Click on the link in the "Queue ID" column
- Click the "lock" button at the top of the page to "unlock" the fields for editing.
- Add your name to the "Reviewer" column.
- Press the "Submit" button to save your edits.
Overall Quality Check
Check chrom sizes
- Ignore this if assembly is the first for a species.
- For a new assembly version, compare the chrom sizes from the last assembly to this new assembly version. You are not checking annotations on the reference sequence, you are just checking the number of base pairs per chrom/contig, and making sure that nothing has changed drastically (i.e., millions of base pairs different). Also take a look for general differences, such as chrom labels or number of chrom/contigs.
- Output chrom sizes into two files and compare them.
hgwdev > hgsql -Ne "select chrom, size from chromInfo" $oldDb > oldChromSizes assemblyName (e.g., "ornAna1") hgwdev > hgsql -Ne "select chrom, size from chromInfo" $newDb > newChromSizes assemblyName (e.g., "ornAna2") hgwdev > sdiff -s oldChromSizes newChromSizes
🔵 Done with DEV steps? Let's go to Assembly QA Part 2: BETA Steps