PushQ new user

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This page describes how to create a new pushQ account for a new user.


The pushQ is a mysql database called 'qapushq' on the mysqlbeta server. However, we mainly access the pushQ through its web interface.

Adding a New User

To add a new user, add a new line to the "users" table in the qapushQ database. The new line should have the new username, no value for the password (single quotes with nothing inside of them as the value for password), the appropriate role ('qa' for member of the QA team and 'dev' for engineers), and no value for contents (single quotes with nothing inside of them as the value for content):

From hgwdev, here is how you would add a QA user:

hgwdev ~]$ hgsql -h mysqlbeta -Ne "INSERT INTO users (user, password, role, contents) VALUES ('jdoe', '', 'qa', '');" qapushq


hgwdev ~]$ hgsql -h mysqlbeta
mysql> use qapushq
mysql> INSERT INTO users (user, password, role, contents) VALUES ('jdoe', '', 'qa', '');

for an engineer, in either of the above examples, change 'qa' (the value of the role field) to 'dev', for example:

mysql> INSERT INTO users (user, password, role, contents) VALUES ('jdoe', '', 'dev', '');

Accessing New Account

Let the new user know what their username is and have the person go to the pushQ web interface to login. The first time they log in, whatever they enter in as their password will become their password.

If someone forgets their account password, someone with access to the table can blank it out and then the person can enter a new one when they login the first time.

UPDATE users set password = '' where user="userNameForgotPassword";