QA scripts
This is a list of the most frequently-used programs and scripts that QAers use. It does not include track-specific programs, such as chainNetTrio.csh, or these. Some are devised by QA and live in the source tree at kent/src/utils/qa (these mostly end in ".csh"). Some are programs that the engineers or system administrators have written.
Running Scripts on Multiple Tables at Once
For the scripts that do not accept a list of tables in a file, here's a little bash script that you can use to run any of these scripts on multiple tables. Save the list of tables in a file (in your hive directory) called 'tableList_temp', and then type (note: you can press return after each line):
for i in $(cat tableList_temp) do [script_name] [database/assembly] $i echo $i done
Can also be run as one line for easy copy/paste. Example:
for i in $(cat tableList); do runJoiner.csh danRer5 $i; echo $i; done
The following scripts do not accept a file, so are good candidates for the above:
- runJoiner.csh
- countPerChrom.csh
- runBits.csh
- (more coming...)
Must know about!
(also see: mypush)
Pushes tables in list to mysqlbeta and records size. Requires sudo access to mypush to run. Do not redirect output or run in the background, as it will require you to type your password in. Program will ask you for your password again after large tables. If you take too long to re-type in the table the script stalled on might not get pushed. Double-check that all tables have been pushed! Will report total size of push and write two files: db.tables.push -> output for all tables from mypush db.tables.pushSize -> size of push
Sorts and compares two files. Counts unique and common records. usage: leftFileName rightFileName [rm] optional [rm]: remove the three output files when finished
gets a column from a table on dev and beta and checks diffs. reports numbers of rows unique to each and common. can compare to older database. writes files of everything. usage: database table column [db2]
gets an entire table from two machines and checks diffs. reports numbers of rows unique to each and common. writes files of everything. not real-time on RR -- uses genome-mysql. usage: database table [machine1] [machine2] (defaults to dev and beta)
check to see if there are annotations on all chroms. will check to see if chrom field is named tName or genoName. usage: database1 table [database2] [RR] [histogram] checks database1 on dev database2 will be checked on beta by default if RR is specified, will use genome-mysql histogram option prints bar graph, not values
(also see: getYield.csh)
featureBits - Correlate tables via bitmap projections. usage: featureBits database table(s)
(truncated for brevity)
searches trackDb hierarchy for your table and corresponding .html file also returns the value of the priority and visibility entries and the .ra file location for each usage: database tableName
Finds the organism name given the assembly name usage: assemblyName [date] will accept name with or without digit use 'date' to also retrieve assembly date (e.g. 'ornAna2' or 'ornAna')
gets the names of all databases that contain a given table. will accept the MySQL wildcard, %, but not on RR machines note: not real-time on RR. uses nightly TABLE STATUS dump. usage: tablename [machine] [verbose] - defaults to beta "verbose" prints list of assemblies checked
Returns the short label and group of the track for this table. In the case of a composite track, it returns the short label for both the sub track and the parent track. usage: database tableName
(also see: runJoiner.csh)
joinerCheck - Parse and check joiner file usage: joinerCheck file.joiner options: -fields - Check fields in joiner file exist, faster with -fieldListIn -fieldListOut=file - List all fields in all databases to file. -fieldListIn=file - Get list of fields from file rather than mysql. -keys - Validate (foreign) keys. Takes about an hour. -tableCoverage - Check that all tables are mentioned in joiner file -dbCoverage - Check that all databases are mentioned in joiner file -times - Check update times of tables are after tables they depend on -all - Do all tests: -fields -keys -tableCoverage -dbCoverage -times -identifier=name - Just validate given identifier. Note only applies to keys and fields checks. -database=name - Just validate given database. Note only applies to keys and times checks. -verbose=N - use verbose to diagnose difficulties. N = 2, 3 or 4 to - show increasing level of detail for some functions.
used with sudo, generally like so, from hgwdev:
- sudo mypush $db $table mysqlbeta
Usage: mypush database table-pattern [hostlist] NOTE: use single quotes around table-pattern if it contains shell special chars like * or ?
(also see: updateTimes.csh)
gets update times from all machines in real time for tables in list. usage: database tablelist (will accept single table)
runs featureBits and checks for overlap with gaps. usage: database trackname [checkUnbridged] where overlap with unbridged gaps can be turned on
(also see: realTime.csh)
gets update times for three machines for tables in list. if table is trackDb, trackDb_public will also be checked. warning: not in real time for RR. uses overnight dump. usage: database tablelist reports on dev, beta and RR tablelist will accept single table
Might also like!
This is useful for answering mailing list questions. Also see the "bottleneck" command.
wrapper around bottleneck check. gives delay stats for IP address(es). usage: ipAddress [terse] (terse gives only data) (use ipAddress = "all" to get all IPs having delays)
checks all fields in trackDb usage: database [machine1] [machine2] [mode] (defaults to hgw1 and hgwbeta) mode = (fast | verbose | fastVerbose) - verbose is for html field - defaults to terse - fast = (genome-mysql) - defaults to realTime (WGET)
checks to see if files are in place, after a push usage: website files(s) website should include the path of the directory where the files reside, such as: file(s) is either a single name or a list of names, and can include items with additional directory structure, like so: filename dir/filename dir/dir/dir/filename any output other than '200 OK' indicates an error.
Ensures that a table correlates with its associated file. Only prints results if there is a diff between table and file. Works for these file types: narrowPeak, broadPeak, gappedPeak, bedGraph, NRE, BiP, gcf For wiggle files, you must specify [wig] parameter. usage: database tableName fileName [wig] [verbose] fileName includes path of download file e.g. /goldenPath/<db>/fileName.gz use verbose for more details
Automatically copies appropriate rows from the extFile and seq tables from hgwdev to hgwbeta.
(truncated for brevity)
gets the rowcount for a list of tables from dev, beta and RR. usage: database tablelist [genome-mysql] tablelist can be just name of single table RR results not in real time, but from dumps genome-mysql option adds results from public mysql server
gets info about which blat server hosts which genome(s) usage: db|host|all [db|host] [machine] first parameter required: one specific db or host or all dbs second parameter optional: order by db or by host (blatServer) defaults to order by db third parameter optional: specify machine defaults to RR
searches database for all tables containing a specified column name. usage: database, field, [machine = hgwdev|hgwbeta] (defaults to beta)
find all locks in the pushQ on hgwbeta usage: go|real run with 'go' to see a list of locks run with 'real' to unlock all the locks
(also see: getMatrixLines.csh)
Searches the README.txt files to find the correct parameters for the $chainMinScore and $chainLinearGap variables. usage: fromDb toDb (these can be in either order)
prints the chrom names for an assembly. usage: database [norandom]
(aslo see: getChainLines.csh)
Searches the README.txt files to find the correct parameters for the $matrix variable. This is the q-parameter from the blastz run. usage: fromDb toDb (these can be in either order)
(also see: featureBits)
uses featureBits to get yield and enrichment. usage: database trackname [reference track] refTrack defaults to refGene
runs joinerCheck -keys, finding all identifiers for a table. runs joinerCheck -times (use "noTimes" to disable). set database to "all" for global. for chains/nets, use tablename format: chainDb. usage: database table [all.joiner file to use] [noTimes]
tdbQuery - Query the trackDb system using SQL syntax. Usage: tdbQuery sqlStatement Where the SQL statement is enclosed in quotations to avoid the shell interpreting it. Only a very restricted subset of a single SQL statement (select) is supported. Examples: tdbQuery "select count(*) from hg18" counts all of the tracks in hg18 and prints the results to stdout tdbQuery "select count(*) from *" counts all tracks in all databases. tdbQuery "select track,shortLabel from hg18 where type like 'bigWig%'" prints to stdout a a two field .ra file containing just the track and shortLabels of bigWig type tracks in the hg18 version of trackDb. tdbQuery "select * from hg18 where track='knownGene' or track='ensGene'" prints the hg18 knownGene and ensGene track's information to stdout. tdbQuery "select *Label from mm9" prints all fields that end in 'Label' from the mm9 trackDb. OPTIONS: ...
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ENCODE QA scripts
These are scripts that the ENCODE QA team frequently uses.
usage: /cluster/bin/scripts/ <email addresses> The email addresses will be encoded and sent to stdout
usage: encodeQaCheckRRFiles [-h] [-d] [-s SERVER] database composite files Compares files on the RR against a list of files positional arguments: database The database, typically hg19 or mm9 composite The composite name, wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeq for instance files The list of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d, --dev Check for files missing on dev that are present on the RR -s SERVER, --server SERVER The server to use, like hgdownload. Example: encodeQaCheckHgdownloadFiles hg19 wgEncodeSydhTfbs files.list encodeQaCheckHgdownloadFiles hg18 wgEncodeHudsonalphaChipSeq checkPushFilesList
For more specific info about the other scripts this script runs and the files it creates see the ENCODE QA wiki.
usage: encodeQaInit [-h] [-t] [-m MDB] database composite release redmine Initializes QA directory for claiming a release positional arguments: database The database, typically hg19 or mm9 composite The composite name, wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeq for instance release The new release to be released redmine The Redmine issue number optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t, --test Test mode:doesn't change status to reviewing, outputs to test qa Directory -m MDB, --mdb MDB use a different mdb composite name Example: encodeQaInit hg19 wgEncodeSydhTfbs 1 69 encodeQaInit hg18 wgEncodeHudsonalphaChipSeq 3 504
usage: encodeQaPrepareRelease [-h] database composite stage Stages a track either to beta or to public positional arguments: database The database you're using composite The composite you're using stage The stage you are staging to optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Examples: encodeQaPrepareRelease hg19 wgEncodeSydhTfbs beta encodeQaPrepareRelease hg19 wgEncodeHaibTfbs public
Creates a pushQ entry directly in the L queue of the Main pushQ so the ENCODE track will have an entry in the release log.
usage: encodeQaSqlRelease <release.sql> <sponsor> example: encodeQaSqlRelease release.sql wong
Sets the ENCODE status of subIds inputted (QA usually only uses after releasing a track, setting the subIds' ENCODE status to 'released').
usage: encodeStatus [-instance=instanceName] [-force] project-id|project-name [status] valid statuses: loaded, displayed, approved, reviewing, released -instance Default instance is 'prod' -force Use if you want to set a status that is not normally allowed (e.g. to reset to an earlier status).
Useful for checking the experiments (expIds) have been done correctly, see ENCODE QA wiki.
mdbPrint - Prints metadata objects, variables and values from 'metaDb' table. usage: mdbPrint {db} [-table=] [-byVar] [-line/-count] [-all] [-vars="var1=val1 var2=val2..."] [-obj= [-var= [-val=]]] [-var= [-val=]] [-specialHelp] Options: ...
(truncated for brevity)
From list of pubMed Ids, provides html output of references in CBSE citation format.
usage qaAddTrackReferences <pubmed_id1> <pubmed_id2> ... <pubmed_idn>
Runs test suite for ENCODE tracks (this script is run by encodeQaInit, which puts the output in the script.out file, but can still be run on its own).
Runs test suite for ENCODE tracks (it's best to direct output and errors to a file: '>&') In general, this script only prints output if there are problems usage: db tableList
Used on metaDb .ra files and cv.ra files; may be expanded to trackDb .ra files.
usage: qaRaDiff [-h] RaFileOne RaFileTwo Describes the differences between the two .ra files positional arguments: RaFileOne The .ra file RaFileTwo The .ra file to compare to optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit example: qaRaDiff alpha/wgEncodeUwTfbs.ra beta/wgEncodeUwTfbs.ra
Used on metaDb .ra files and cv.ra files; may be expanded to trackDb .ra files.
usage: raMerge [-h] [-t] RaFileOne RaFileTwo Merges two .ra files in a way that you would expect positional arguments: RaFileOne The .ra file RaFileTwo The .ra file to merge with optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t, --trackDb Print as trackDb example: raMerge alpha/wgEncodeUwTfbs.ra beta/wgEncodeUwTfbs.ra