TrackDb settings
As of 09-19-2007, the following trackDb settings were in use on the public site:
autoScaleDefault Off
autoTranslate 0
baseColorDefault diffCodons
baseColorDefault genomicCodons
baseColorUseCds genbank
baseColorUseCds given
baseColorUseSequence genbank
blastRef dm1.blastFBRef00
blastRef dm2.blastFBRef01
blastRef hg16.blastKGRef00
blastRef hg17.blastKGRef01
blastRef hg18.blastKGRef04
blastRef sacCer1.blastSGRef00
cdsDrawDefault genomic codons
cdsDrawOptions enabled
colorChromDefault off
compositeTrack on
defaultViewLimits 30:70
directUrl /cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_gene=%s&hgg_chrom=%s&hgg_start=%d&hgg_end=%d&hgg_type=%s&db=%s
exonArrows off
exonArrows on
frames multiz7wayFrames
graphTypeDefault Bar
gridDefault OFF
hgGene on
hgsid on
idInUrlSql select name from sibTxGraph where id=%s
idXref kgAlias kgID alias
idXref refLink mrnaAcc name
indelDoubleInsert on
indelPolyA on
indelQueryInsert on
intronGap 30
irows on
itemAttrTbl transMapAncMRnaAttr
itemAttrTbl transMapAncRefAttr
itemAttrTbl transMapMRnaAttr
itemAttrTbl transMapRefAttr
matrix 16 91,-114,-31,-123,-114,100,-125,-31,-31,-125,100,-114,-123,-31,-114,91
matrix 16 91,-90,-25,-100,-90,100,-100,-25,-25,-100,100,-90,-100,-25,-90,91
matrixHeader A, C, G, T
maxHeightPixels 100:40:11
maxHeightPixels 128:36:16
maxItems 300
noInherit on
noScoreFilter .
otherDb anoCar1
[multiple otherDbs deleted]
otherDb xenTro2
pairwiseHeight 12
pred dm1.blastFBPep00
pred dm2.blastFBPep01
pred hg16.blastKGPep00
pred hg17.blastKGPep01
pred hg18.blastKGPep04
pred sacCer1.blastSGPep00
sGroup_bird galGal2
sGroup_fish danRer4
sGroup_mammal monDom4 hg18 mm8 rn4
scoreMax 1000
scoreMin 500
showDiffBasesAllScales .
showTopScorers 200
spanList 1
spanList 1,1024
spanList 5
speciesCodonDefault xenTro2
speciesDefaultOff rn4
speciesGroups bird mammal fish
subTrack transMap
subTrack transMap off
subTrack transMapAnc
subTrack transMapAnc off
summary multiz7waySummary
treeImage phylo/xenTro2_7way.gif
urlLabel SIB link:
urlLabel miRBase:
visibililty pack
wiggle phastCons7way
windowingFunction Mean
yLineOnOff Off