UCSC to RefSeq correspondence
The correspondences show here are exact, subset, and near match. NCBI assemblies with no equivalent UCSC database are listed.
The columns can be sorted. Click on the small arrow icon next to the column header label.
The external links go to:
- test browser - genome-test.soe.ucsc.edu genome browser
- public browser - when available the genome.ucsc.edu browser
- RefSeq assembly - assembly information page at NCBI for the refseq version
- Genbank assembly - assembly information page at NCBI when equivalent, genbank version
- RefSeq FTP - ftp directory at NCBI where the RefSeq assembly can be obtained
- Genbank FTP - ftp directory for the genbank version when equivalent
Note about the (has dups N) indication.
Some older assemblies have entire sequences duplicated in multiple contigs
in both the NCBI assembly and the UCSC assembly. Most newer UCSC assemblies
have removed the duplicate contigs, and newer NCBI assemblies now also
remove the duplicate contigs. The N indicates how many duplicate
sequences are in the assembly. These duplicate contigs will cause
confusion when coordinating chromosome names.
Note about the (subset N of M) indication. When all contigs of one assembly are completely found in the other assembly, it is marked as a (subset N of M). This is often the result of one assembly including a chrM/chrMT sequence, or duplicate sequences removed from one of the assemblies. The N of M counts the number of sequences in the subset vs. the superset after duplicate sequences have been removed.
Note about the (near match N of M) indication. When almost all contigs of one assembly are completely found in the other assembly, it is marked as a (near match N of M). This is often the result of different sequences for chrM/chrMT, included in each of the assemblies, or a different combination rearrangement of sequences in one assembly. For example monDom5 at UCSC combines all unplaced contigs into a single chrUn sequence whereas NCBI keeps those contigs as separate sequences. The N of M counts the number of sequences identical vs. the total sequences in the other assembly. The limit in this notation is a maximum difference of two sequences in the smaller assembly, and only for vertebrate_mammalian and vertebrate_other assemblies.
NCBI assemblies for the sub-groups vertebrate_mammalian and
vertebrate_other with no equivalent UCSC database are indicated
as (N sequences) where N is
the number of sequences in the NCBI assembly.
count | test browser
public browser |
scientific name(s) | common name | RefSeq assembly
Genbank assembly |
RefSeq FTP
Genbank FTP |
1 | CHM1 | Homo sapiens | Homo sapiens hydatidiform mole assembly chm1 | GCF_000306695.2_CHM1_1.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
2 | ailMel1 | Ailuropoda melanoleuca | Panda | GCF_000004335.2_AilMel_1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
3 | balAcu1 | Balaenoptera acutorostrata | Minke whale | GCF_000493695.1_BalAcu1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
4 | bosTau8 | Bos taurus | Cow | GCF_000003055.5_Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
5 | bubBub1 | Bubalus bubalis | Water buffalo | GCF_000471725.1_UMD_CASPUR_WB_2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
6 | calJac3 | Callithrix jacchus | Marmoset | GCF_000004665.1_Callithrix_jacchus-3.2 | vertebrate_mammalian |
7 | camFer1 | Camelus ferus | Bactrian camel | GCF_000311805.1_CB1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
8 | canFam3 | Canis lupus | Dog | GCF_000002285.3_CanFam3.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
9 | capHir1 | Capra hircus | Domestic goat | GCF_000317765.1_CHIR_1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
10 | cavPor3 | Cavia porcellus | Guinea pig | GCF_000151735.1_Cavpor3.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
11 | cerSim1 | Ceratotherium simum | White rhinoceros | GCF_000283155.1_CerSimSim1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
12 | chlSab2 | Chlorocebus sabaeus | Green monkey | GCF_000409795.2_Chlorocebus_sabeus_1.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
13 | chrAsi1 | Chrysochloris asiatica | Cape golden mole | GCF_000296735.1_ChrAsi1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
14 | colAng1 | Colobus angolensis | Angolan colobus | GCF_000951035.1_Cang.pa_1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
15 | dasNov3 | Dasypus novemcinctus | Armadillo | GCF_000208655.1_Dasnov3.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
16 | echTel2 | Echinops telfairi | Tenrec | GCF_000313985.1_EchTel2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
17 | eleEdw1 | Elephantulus edwardii | Cape elephant shrew | GCF_000299155.1_EleEdw1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
18 | eriEur2 | Erinaceus europaeus | Hedgehog | GCF_000296755.1_EriEur2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
19 | felCat5
(has dups: 1) public |
Felis catus | Cat | GCF_000181335.1_Felis_catus-6.2
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
20 | felCat8 | Felis catus | Cat | GCF_000181335.2_Felis_catus_8.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
21 | galVar1 | Galeopterus variegatus | Malayan flying lemur | GCF_000696425.1_G_variegatus-3.0.2 | vertebrate_mammalian |
22 | hetGla2 | Heterocephalus glaber | Naked mole-rat | GCF_000247695.1_HetGla_female_1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
23 | hg38 | Homo sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.26_GRCh38 | vertebrate_mammalian |
24 | lepWed1 | Leptonychotes weddellii | Weddell seal | GCF_000349705.1_LepWed1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
25 | lipVex1 | Lipotes vexillifer | Yangtze river dolphin | GCF_000442215.1_Lipotes_vexillifer_v1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
26 | macFas5 | Macaca fascicularis | Crab-eating macaque | GCF_000364345.1_Macaca_fascicularis_5.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
27 | mesAur1 | Mesocricetus auratus | Golden hamster | GCF_000349665.1_MesAur1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
28 | micMur2 | Microcebus murinus | Mouse lemur | GCF_000165445.1_Mmur_2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
29 | micOch1 | Microtus ochrogaster | Prairie vole | GCF_000317375.1_MicOch1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
30 | myoBra1 | Myotis brandtii | Brandt's myotis (bat) | GCF_000412655.1_ASM41265v1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
31 | myoDav1 | Myotis davidii | David's myotis (bat) | GCF_000327345.1_ASM32734v1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
32 | myoLuc2 | Myotis lucifugus | Microbat | GCF_000147115.1_Myoluc2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
33 | nanGal1 | Nannospalax galili | Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat | GCF_000622305.1_S.galili_v1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
34 | orcOrc1 | Orcinus orca | Killer whale | GCF_000331955.2_Oorc_1.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
35 | oryAfe1 | Orycteropus afer | Aardvark | GCF_000298275.1_OryAfe1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
36 | otoGar3
(has dups: 139) public |
Otolemur garnettii | Bushbaby | GCF_000181295.1_OtoGar3
(has dups: 139) GCA_000181295.3_OtoGar3 |
vertebrate_mammalian |
37 | oviAri3 | Ovis aries | Sheep | GCF_000298735.1_Oar_v3.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
38 | panHod1 | Pantholops hodgsonii | Tibetan antelope | GCF_000400835.1_PHO1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
39 | panPan1 | Pan paniscus | Bonobo | GCF_000258655.1_panpan1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
40 | panPan2 | Pan paniscus | Bonobo | GCF_000258655.2_panpan1.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
41 | panTig1 | Panthera tigris | Amur tiger | GCF_000464555.1_PanTig1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
42 | panTro4 | Pan troglodytes | Chimp | GCF_000001515.6_Pan_troglodytes-2.1.4 | vertebrate_mammalian |
43 | panTro5 | Pan troglodytes | Chimp | GCF_000001515.7_Pan_tro_3.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
44 | papAnu2 | Papio anubis | Baboon | GCF_000264685.1_Panu_2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
45 | perManBai1 | Peromyscus maniculatus | Prairie deer mouse | GCF_000500345.1_Pman_1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
46 | phyCat1 | Physeter catodon | Sperm whale | GCF_000472045.1_Physeter_macrocephalus-2.0.2 | vertebrate_mammalian |
47 | rheMac8 | Macaca mulatta | Rhesus | GCF_000772875.2_Mmul_8.0.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
48 | rhiRox1 | Rhinopithecus roxellana | Golden snub-nosed monkey | GCF_000769185.1_Rrox_v1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
49 | rouAeg1 | Rousettus aegyptiacus | Egyptian rousette | GCF_001466805.2_Raegyp2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
50 | sarHar1 | Sarcophilus harrisii | Tasmanian devil | GCF_000189315.1_Devil_ref_v7.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
51 | sorAra2 | Sorex araneus | Shrew | GCF_000181275.1_SorAra2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
52 | speTri2 | Ictidomys tridecemlineatus | Squirrel | GCF_000236235.1_SpeTri2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
53 | susScr3 | Sus scrofa | Pig | GCF_000003025.5_Sscrofa10.2 | vertebrate_mammalian |
54 | tarSyr2 | Carlito syrichta | Tarsier | GCF_000164805.1_Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
55 | tarSyr2 | Tarsius syrichta | Tarsier | GCF_000164805.1_Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
56 | triMan1 | Trichechus manatus | Manatee | GCF_000243295.1_TriManLat1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
57 | tupChi1 | Tupaia chinensis | Chinese tree shrew | GCF_000334495.1_TupChi_1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
58 | ursMar1 | Ursus maritimus | Polar bear | GCF_000687225.1_UrsMar_1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
59 | mm10
(subset: 66 of 179) public |
Mus musculus | Mouse | GCF_000001635.22_GRCm38.p2 | vertebrate_mammalian |
60 | mm10
(subset: 66 of 182) public |
Mus musculus | Mouse | GCF_000001635.23_GRCm38.p3 | vertebrate_mammalian |
61 | mm10
(subset: 66 of 196) public |
Mus musculus | Mouse | GCF_000001635.24_GRCm38.p4 | vertebrate_mammalian |
62 | mm10
(subset: 66 of 207) public |
Mus musculus | Mouse | GCF_000001635.25_GRCm38.p5 | vertebrate_mammalian |
63 | rn6
(subset: 953 of 953) public |
Rattus norvegicus | Rat | GCF_000001895.5_Rnor_6.0
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
64 | gorGor3
(subset: 46823 of 50196) public |
Gorilla gorilla | Gorilla | GCF_000151905.1_gorGor3.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
65 | vicPac2
(subset: 276611 of 276611) public |
Vicugna pacos | Alpaca | GCF_000164845.1_Vicugna_pacos-2.0.1
(has dups: 115) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
66 | saiBol1
(subset: 2685 of 2686) public |
Saimiri boliviensis | Squirrel monkey | GCF_000235385.1_SaiBol1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
67 | octDeg1
(subset: 7134 of 7134) |
Octodon degus | Brush-tailed rat | GCF_000260255.1_OctDeg1.0
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
68 | conCri1
(subset: 2038 of 2038) |
Condylura cristata | Star-nosed mole | GCF_000260355.1_ConCri1.0
(has dups: 2) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
69 | chiLan1
(subset: 2838 of 2839) |
Chinchilla lanigera | Chinchilla | GCF_000276665.1_ChiLan1.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
70 | jacJac1
(subset: 10896 of 10896) |
Jaculus jaculus | Lesser Egyptian jerboa | GCF_000280705.1_JacJac1.0
(has dups: 2) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
71 | ochPri3
(subset: 10420 of 10420) public |
Ochotona princeps | Pika | GCF_000292845.1_OchPri3.0
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
72 | bosMut1
(subset: 41191 of 41192) |
Bos mutus | Wild yak | GCF_000298355.1_BosGru_v2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
73 | eptFus1
(subset: 6788 of 6788) |
Eptesicus fuscus | Big brown bat | GCF_000308155.1_EptFus1.0
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
74 | pteAle1
(subset: 65597 of 65598) |
Pteropus alecto | Black flying-fox | GCF_000325575.1_ASM32557v1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
75 | loxAfr3 | Loxodonta africana | Elephant | GCF_000001905.1_Loxafr3.0
(subset: 2352 of 2353) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
76 | ornAna1 | Ornithorhynchus anatinus | Platypus | GCF_000002275.2_Ornithorhynchus_anatinus_5.0.1
(subset: 200154 of 201523) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
77 | bosTau6 | Bos taurus | Cow | GCF_000003055.6_Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1
(subset: 3144 of 3317) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
78 | oryCun2 | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Rabbit | GCF_000003625.3_OryCun2.0
(subset: 3241 of 3242) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
79 | nomLeu3 | Nomascus leucogenys | Gibbon | GCF_000146795.2_Nleu_3.0
(subset: 17484 of 17492) GCA_000146795.3_Nleu_3.0 |
vertebrate_mammalian |
80 | turTru2
(has dups: 9) public |
Tursiops truncatus | Dolphin | GCF_000151865.2_Ttru_1.4
(has dups: 9) (subset: 240548 of 240891) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
81 | vicPac2 | Vicugna pacos | Alpaca | GCF_000164845.2_Vicugna_pacos-2.0.2
(has dups: 115) (subset: 276610 of 276611) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
82 | criGri1 | Cricetulus griseus | Chinese hamster | GCF_000419365.1_C_griseus_v1.0
(subset: 52710 of 52711) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
83 | bisBis1 | Bison bison | Bison | GCF_000754665.1_Bison_UMD1.0
(subset: 128431 of 450182) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
84 | panTro3 | Pan troglodytes | Chimp | GCF_000001515.5_Pan_troglodytes-2.1.4
(near match: 24127 of 24129) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
85 | ornAna2 | Ornithorhynchus anatinus | Platypus | GCF_000002275.2_Ornithorhynchus_anatinus_5.0.1
(near match: 200153 of 200154) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
86 | rheMac2
(near match: 21 of 22) public |
Macaca mulatta | Rhesus | GCF_000002255.3_Mmul_051212 | vertebrate_mammalian |
87 | monDom5
(near match: 10 of 11) public |
Monodelphis domestica | Opossum | GCF_000002295.2_MonDom5 | vertebrate_mammalian |
88 | equCab2
(near match: 33 of 34) public |
Equus caballus | Horse | GCF_000002305.2_EquCab2.0 | vertebrate_mammalian |
89 | bosTau7
(near match: 11691 of 11692) public |
Bos taurus | Cow | GCF_000003205.5_Btau_4.6.1 | vertebrate_mammalian |
90 | equPrz1
(near match: 53096 of 53097) |
Equus przewalskii | Przewalski horse | GCF_000696695.1_Burgud | vertebrate_mammalian |
91 | notFound | Mustela putorius furo | notFound | GCF_000215625.1_MusPutFur1.0
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
92 | notFound | Equus_asinus | Ass | GCF_001305755.1_ASM130575v1
(2167 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
93 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.28_GRCh38.p2
(486 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
94 | notFound | Camelus_dromedarius | Arabian camel | GCF_000767585.1_PRJNA234474_Ca_dromedarius_V1.0
(32573 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
95 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.34_GRCh38.p8
(543 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
96 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.33_GRCh38.p7
(525 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
97 | notFound | Pongo_abelii | Sumatran orangutan | GCF_000001545.4_P_pygmaeus_2.0.2
(61535 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
98 | notFound | Orcinus_orca | Killer whale | GCF_000199955.1_ASM19995v1
(1 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
99 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.31_GRCh38.p5
(517 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
100 | notFound | Mus_musculus | House mouse | GCF_000002165.2_Mm_Celera
(12503 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
101 | notFound | Mandrillus_leucophaeus | Drill | GCF_000951045.1_Mleu.le_1.0
(12821 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
102 | notFound | Ailuropoda_melanoleuca | Giant panda | GCF_000004335.1_AilMel_1.0
(81466 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
103 | notFound | Camelus_bactrianus | Bactrian camel | GCF_000767855.1_Ca_bactrianus_MBC_1.0
(35455 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
104 | notFound | Ovis_aries | Sheep | GCF_000298735.2_Oar_v4.0
(5466 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
105 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.30_GRCh38.p4
(510 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
106 | notFound | Ovis aries musimon | notFound | GCF_000765115.1_Oori1
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
107 | notFound | Rattus_norvegicus | Norway rat | GCF_000002265.2_Rn_Celera
(has dups: 5) (7041 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
108 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.29_GRCh38.p3
(494 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
109 | notFound | Manis_javanica | Malayan pangolin | GCF_001685135.1_ManJav1.0
(80670 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
110 | notFound | Dipodomys_ordii | Ord's kangaroo rat | GCF_000151885.1_Dord_2.0
(65193 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
111 | notFound | Miniopterus_natalensis | Bats | GCF_001595765.1_Mnat.v1
(1269 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
112 | notFound | Pteropus_vampyrus | Large flying fox | GCF_000151845.1_Pvam_2.0
(36094 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
113 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.32_GRCh38.p6
(521 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
114 | notFound | Cebus capucinus imitator | notFound | GCF_001604975.1_Cebus_imitator-1.0
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
115 | notFound | Homo_sapiens | Human | GCF_000001405.27_GRCh38.p1
(471 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
116 | notFound | Aotus_nancymaae | Ma's night monkey | GCF_000952055.1_Anan_1.0
(29223 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
117 | notFound | Macaca_nemestrina | Pig-tailed macaque | GCF_000956065.1_Mnem_1.0
(9733 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
118 | notFound | Bos_taurus | Cattle | GCF_000003205.7_Btau_5.0.1
(3143 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
119 | notFound | Cercocebus_atys | Sooty mangabey | GCF_000955945.1_Caty_1.0
(11433 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
120 | notFound | Fukomys_damarensis | Damara mole-rat | GCF_000743615.1_DMR_v1.0
(74730 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
121 | notFound | Marmota marmota marmota | notFound | GCF_001458135.1_marMar2.1
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
122 | notFound | Cricetulus_griseus | Chinese hamster | GCF_000223135.1_CriGri_1.0
(109152 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
123 | notFound | Papio_anubis | Olive baboon | GCF_000264685.2_Panu_2.0
(63251 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
124 | notFound | Odobenus rosmarus divergens | notFound | GCF_000321225.1_Oros_1.0
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
125 | notFound | Acinonyx_jubatus | Cheetah | GCF_001443585.1_aciJub1
(14383 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
126 | notFound | Propithecus_coquereli | Coquerel's sifaka | GCF_000956105.1_Pcoq_1.0
(22539 sequences) |
vertebrate_mammalian |
126 | choHof1 | Choloepus hoffmanni | Sloth | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
127 | dipOrd1 | Dipodomys ordii | Kangaroo rat | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
128 | eidHel1 | Eidolon helvum | Straw colored fruit bat | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
129 | macEug2 | Macropus eugenii | Wallaby | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
130 | megLyr1 | Megaderma lyra | Indian false vampire | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
131 | micMur1 | Microcebus murinus | Mouse lemur | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
132 | ochPri2 | Ochotona princeps | Pika | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
133 | odoRosDiv1 | Odobenus rosmarus divergens | Pacific walrus | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
134 | proCap1 | Procavia capensis | Rock hyrax | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
135 | ptePar1 | Pteronotus parnellii | Parnell's mustached bat | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
136 | pteVam1 | Pteropus vampyrus | Megabat | (no refseq) | vertebrate_mammalian |
138 | allMis1 | Alligator mississippiensis | American alligator | GCF_000281125.1_allMis0.2 | vertebrate_other |
139 | allSin1 | Alligator sinensis | Chinese alligator | GCF_000455745.1_ASM45574v1 | vertebrate_other |
140 | anaPla1 | Anas platyrhynchos | Mallard duck | GCF_000355885.1_BGI_duck_1.0 | vertebrate_other |
141 | anoCar2 | Anolis carolinensis | Lizard | GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0 | vertebrate_other |
142 | apaVit1 | Apaloderma vittatum | Bar tailed trogon | GCF_000703405.1_ASM70340v1 | vertebrate_other |
143 | aptFor1 | Aptenodytes forsteri | Emperor penguin | GCF_000699145.1_ASM69914v1 | vertebrate_other |
144 | bucRhi1 | Buceros rhinoceros | Rhinoceros hornbill | GCF_000710305.1_ASM71030v1 | vertebrate_other |
145 | calAnn1 | Calypte anna | Anna's hummingbird | GCF_000699085.1_ASM69908v1 | vertebrate_other |
146 | calMil1 | Callorhinchus milii | Elephant shark | GCF_000165045.1_Callorhinchus_milii-6.1.3 | vertebrate_other |
147 | capCar1 | Caprimulgus carolinensis | Chuck-will's-widow | GCF_000700745.1_ASM70074v1 | vertebrate_other |
148 | carCri1 | Cariama cristata | Red-legged seriema | GCF_000690535.1_ASM69053v1 | vertebrate_other |
149 | chaVoc2 | Charadrius vociferus | Killdeer | GCF_000708025.1_ASM70802v2 | vertebrate_other |
150 | cheMyd1 | Chelonia mydas | Green seaturtle | GCF_000344595.1_CheMyd_1.0 | vertebrate_other |
151 | chlUnd1 | Chlamydotis macqueenii | Houbara bustard | GCF_000695195.1_ASM69519v1 | vertebrate_other |
152 | colLiv1 | Columba livia | Rock pigeon | GCF_000337935.1_Cliv_1.0 | vertebrate_other |
153 | colStr1 | Colius striatus | Speckled mousebird | GCF_000690715.1_ASM69071v1 | vertebrate_other |
154 | corBra1 | Corvus brachyrhynchos | American crow | GCF_000691975.1_ASM69197v1 | vertebrate_other |
155 | cucCan1 | Cuculus canorus | Common cuckoo | GCF_000709325.1_ASM70932v1 | vertebrate_other |
156 | cynSem1 | Cynoglossus semilaevis | Tongue sole | GCF_000523025.1_Cse_v1.0 | vertebrate_other |
157 | danRer10 | Danio rerio | Zebrafish | GCF_000002035.5_GRCz10 | vertebrate_other |
158 | danRer7 | Danio rerio | Zebrafish | GCF_000002035.4_Zv9 | vertebrate_other |
159 | egrGar1 | Egretta garzetta | Little egret | GCF_000687185.1_ASM68718v1 | vertebrate_other |
160 | eurHel1 | Eurypyga helias | Sunbittern | GCF_000690775.1_ASM69077v1 | vertebrate_other |
161 | falChe1 | Falco cherrug | Saker falcon | GCF_000337975.1_F_cherrug_v1.0 | vertebrate_other |
162 | falPer1 | Falco peregrinus | Peregrine falcon | GCF_000337955.1_F_peregrinus_v1.0 | vertebrate_other |
163 | ficAlb2 | Ficedula albicollis | Collared flycatcher | GCF_000247815.1_FicAlb1.5 | vertebrate_other |
164 | fr3 | Takifugu rubripes | Fugu | GCF_000180615.1_FUGU5 | vertebrate_other |
165 | fulGla1 | Fulmarus glacialis | Northern fulmar | GCF_000690835.1_ASM69083v1 | vertebrate_other |
166 | galGal4 | Gallus gallus | Chicken | GCF_000002315.3_Gallus_gallus-4.0 | vertebrate_other |
167 | galGal5 | Gallus gallus | Chicken | GCF_000002315.4_Gallus_gallus-5.0 | vertebrate_other |
168 | gavSte1 | Gavia stellata | Red-throated loon | GCF_000690875.1_ASM69087v1 | vertebrate_other |
169 | gekJap0 | Gekko_japonicus | Lizards | GCF_001447785.1_Gekko_japonicus_V1.1 | vertebrate_other |
170 | geoFor1 | Geospiza fortis | Medium ground finch | GCF_000277835.1_GeoFor_1.0 | vertebrate_other |
171 | halAlb1 | Haliaeetus albicilla | White-tailed eagle | GCF_000691405.1_ASM69140v1 | vertebrate_other |
172 | halLeu1 | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Bald eagle | GCF_000737465.1_Haliaeetus_leucocephalus-4.0 | vertebrate_other |
173 | latCha1 | Latimeria chalumnae | Coelacanth | GCF_000225785.1_LatCha1 | vertebrate_other |
174 | lepDis1 | Leptosomus discolor | Cuckoo roller | GCF_000691785.1_ASM69178v1 | vertebrate_other |
175 | mayZeb1 | Maylandia zebra | Zebra mbuna | GCF_000238955.1_MetZeb1.1 | vertebrate_other |
176 | melUnd1 | Melopsittacus undulatus | Budgerigar | GCF_000238935.1_Melopsittacus_undulatus_6.3 | vertebrate_other |
177 | merNub1 | Merops nubicus | Northern carmine bee-eater | GCF_000691845.1_ASM69184v1 | vertebrate_other |
178 | mesUni1 | Mesitornis unicolor | Brown roatelo | GCF_000695765.1_ASM69576v1 | vertebrate_other |
179 | nipNip1 | Nipponia nippon | Crested ibis | GCF_000708225.1_ASM70822v1 | vertebrate_other |
180 | notCor1 | Notothenia coriiceps | Black rockcod | GCF_000735185.1_NC01 | vertebrate_other |
181 | opiHoa1 | Opisthocomus hoazin | Hoatzin | GCF_000692075.1_ASM69207v1 | vertebrate_other |
182 | oreNil2
(has dups: 170) public |
Oreochromis niloticus | Nile tilapia | GCF_000188235.2_Orenil1.1
(has dups: 170) |
vertebrate_other |
183 | pelCri1 | Pelecanus crispus | Dalmatian pelican | GCF_000687375.1_ASM68737v1 | vertebrate_other |
184 | pelSin1 | Pelodiscus sinensis | Chinese softshell turtle | GCF_000230535.1_PelSin_1.0 | vertebrate_other |
185 | phaCar1 | Phalacrocorax carbo | Great cormorant | GCF_000708925.1_ASM70892v1 | vertebrate_other |
186 | phaLep1 | Phaethon lepturus | White-tailed tropicbird | GCF_000687285.1_ASM68728v1 | vertebrate_other |
187 | picPub1 | Picoides pubescens | Downy woodpecker | GCF_000699005.1_ASM69900v1 | vertebrate_other |
188 | poeFor1 | Poecilia formosa | Amazon molly | GCF_000485575.1_Poecilia_formosa-5.1.2 | vertebrate_other |
189 | pseHum1 | Pseudopodoces humilis | Tibetan ground jay | GCF_000331425.1_PseHum1.0 | vertebrate_other |
190 | pteGut1 | Pterocles gutturalis | Yellow-throated sandgrouse | GCF_000699245.1_ASM69924v1 | vertebrate_other |
191 | pytBiv0 | Python_bivittatus | Burmese python | GCF_000186305.1_Python_molurus_bivittatus-5.0.2 | vertebrate_other |
192 | pytBiv1 | Python bivittatus | Burmese python | GCF_000186305.1_Python_molurus_bivittatus-5.0.2 | vertebrate_other |
193 | strCam1 | Struthio camelus | Ostrich | GCF_000698965.1_ASM69896v1 | vertebrate_other |
194 | taeGut2 | Taeniopygia guttata | Zebra finch | GCF_000151805.1_Taeniopygia_guttata-3.2.4 | vertebrate_other |
195 | tauEry1 | Tauraco erythrolophus | Red crested turaco | GCF_000709365.1_ASM70936v1 | vertebrate_other |
196 | thaSir0 | Thamnophis_sirtalis | Snakes | GCF_001077635.1_Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0 | vertebrate_other |
197 | tinGut2 | Tinamus guttatus | White throated tinamou | GCF_000705375.1_ASM70537v2 | vertebrate_other |
198 | tytAlb1 | Tyto alba | Barn owl | GCF_000687205.1_ASM68720v1 | vertebrate_other |
199 | xenTro7 | Xenopus Silurana tropicalis | X. tropicalis | GCF_000004195.2_Xtropicalis_v7 | vertebrate_other |
200 | xenTro7 | Xenopus tropicalis | X. tropicalis | GCF_000004195.2_Xtropicalis_v7 | vertebrate_other |
201 | xipMac1 | Xiphophorus maculatus | Southern platyfish | GCF_000241075.1_Xiphophorus_maculatus-4.4.2 | vertebrate_other |
202 | zonAlb1 | Zonotrichia albicollis | White-throated sparrow | GCF_000385455.1_Zonotrichia_albicollis-1.0.1 | vertebrate_other |
203 | punNye1
(subset: 7233 of 7233) |
Pundamilia nyererei | Pundamilia nyererei | GCF_000239375.1_PunNye1.0
(has dups: 3) |
vertebrate_other |
204 | neoBri1
(subset: 9083 of 9083) |
Neolamprologus brichardi | Princess of Burundi | GCF_000239395.1_NeoBri1.0
(has dups: 16) |
vertebrate_other |
205 | hapBur1
(subset: 7994 of 7994) |
Haplochromis burtoni | Burton's mouthbreeder | GCF_000239415.1_AstBur1.0
(has dups: 7) |
vertebrate_other |
206 | lepOcu1
(subset: 1925 of 1925) |
Lepisosteus oculatus | Spotted gar | GCF_000242695.1_LepOcu1
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_other |
207 | serCan1
(subset: 304397 of 304397) |
Serinus canaria | Canary | GCF_000534875.1_SCA1
(has dups: 3) |
vertebrate_other |
208 | stePar1
(subset: 5817 of 5817) |
Stegastes partitus | Bicolor damselfish | GCF_000690725.1_Stegastes_partitus-1.0.2
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_other |
209 | pygAde1
(subset: 19264 of 19265) |
Pygoscelis adeliae | Adelie penguin | GCF_000699105.1_ASM69910v1 | vertebrate_other |
210 | esoLuc1
(subset: 5325 of 5326) |
Esox lucius | Northern pike | GCF_000721915.1_EsoLuc1.0 | vertebrate_other |
211 | cypVar1
(subset: 9258 of 9259) |
Cyprinodon variegatus | Sheepshead minnow | GCF_000732505.1_C_variegatus-1.0 | vertebrate_other |
212 | corCor1
(subset: 1298 of 1299) |
Corvus cornix | Hooded crow | GCF_000738735.1_Hooded_Crow_genome | vertebrate_other |
213 | aquChr2
(subset: 1141 of 1142) |
Aquila chrysaetos | Golden eagle | GCF_000766835.1_Aquila_chrysaetos-1.0.2 | vertebrate_other |
214 | astMex1 | Astyanax mexicanus | Mexican tetra (cavefish) | GCF_000372685.1_Astyanax_mexicanus-1.0.2
(subset: 10735 of 10736) |
vertebrate_other |
215 | manVit1 | Manacus vitellinus | Golden-collared manakin | GCF_000692015.1_ASM69201v2
(subset: 92755 of 92789) |
vertebrate_other |
216 | acaChl1 | Acanthisitta chloris | Rifleman | GCF_000695815.1_ASM69581v1
(subset: 53875 of 53876) |
vertebrate_other |
217 | melGal1
(near match: 5890 of 5891) public |
Meleagris gallopavo | Turkey | GCF_000146605.1_Turkey_2.01 | vertebrate_other |
218 | chrPic2
(near match: 78594 of 78595) |
Chrysemys picta | Painted turtle | GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3 | vertebrate_other |
219 | poeRet1
(near match: 2766 of 2767) |
Poecilia reticulata | Guppy | GCF_000633615.1_Guppy_female_1.0_MT
(has dups: 1) |
vertebrate_other |
220 | notFound | Larimichthys_crocea | Large yellow croaker | GCF_000742935.1_ASM74293v1
(10266 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
221 | notFound | Poecilia_mexicana | Shortfin molly | GCF_001443325.1_P_mexicana-1.0
(has dups: 3) (18105 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
222 | notFound | Esox_lucius | Northern pike | GCF_000721915.2_ASM72191v2
(1520 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
223 | notFound | Calidris_pugnax | Ruff | GCF_001431845.1_ASM143184v1
(3753 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
224 | notFound | Anser cygnoides domesticus | notFound | GCF_000971095.1_AnsCyg_PRJNA183603_v1.0
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
225 | notFound | Poecilia_latipinna | Sailfin molly | GCF_001443285.1_P_latipinna-1.0
(has dups: 2) (17988 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
226 | notFound | Sinocyclocheilus_rhinocerous | Bony fishes | GCF_001515625.1_SAMN03320098_v1.1
(has dups: 1) (164173 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
227 | notFound | Oryzias_latipes | Japanese medaka | GCF_000313675.1_ASM31367v1
(7189 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
228 | notFound | Ictalurus_punctatus | Channel catfish | GCF_001660625.1_IpCoco_1.2
(9341 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
229 | notFound | Salmo_salar | Atlantic salmon | GCF_000233375.1_ICSASG_v2
(has dups: 3) (232155 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
230 | notFound | Austrofundulus_limnaeus | Bony fishes | GCF_001266775.1_Austrofundulus_limnaeus-1.0
(has dups: 1) (29785 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
231 | notFound | Nothobranchius_furzeri | Turquoise killifish | GCF_001465895.1_Nfu_20140520
(5897 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
232 | notFound | Kryptolebias_marmoratus | Mangrove rivulus | GCF_001649575.1_ASM164957v1
(3073 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
233 | notFound | Sturnus_vulgaris | Common starling | GCF_001447265.1_Sturnus_vulgaris-1.0
(2361 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
234 | notFound | Maylandia_zebra | Zebra mbuna | GCF_000238955.2_M_zebra_UMD1
(3555 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
235 | notFound | Chaetura_pelagica | Chimney swift | GCF_000747805.1_ChaPel_1.0
(19072 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
236 | notFound | Coturnix_japonica | Japanese quail | GCF_001577835.1_Coturnix_japonica_2.0
(2012 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
237 | notFound | Balearica regulorum gibbericeps | notFound | GCF_000709895.1_ASM70989v1
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
238 | notFound | Parus_major | Great Tit | GCF_001522545.1_Parus_major1.0.3
(1676 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
239 | notFound | Fundulus_heteroclitus | Mummichog | GCF_000826765.1_Fundulus_heteroclitus-3.0.2
(10180 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
240 | notFound | Sinocyclocheilus_grahami | Bony fishes | GCF_001515645.1_SAMN03320097.WGS_v1.1
(31277 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
241 | notFound | Protobothrops_mucrosquamatus | Snakes | GCF_001527695.1_P.Mucros_1.0
(52281 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
242 | notFound | Clupea_harengus | Atlantic herring | GCF_000966335.1_ASM96633v1
(6915 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
243 | notFound | Sinocyclocheilus_anshuiensis | Bony fishes | GCF_001515605.1_SAMN03320099.WGS_v1.1
(85682 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
244 | notFound | Alligator_mississippiensis | American alligator | GCF_000281125.2_ASM28112v3
(9857 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
245 | notFound | Nestor_notabilis | Kea | GCF_000696875.1_ASM69687v1
(42180 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
246 | notFound | Apteryx australis mantelli | notFound | GCF_001039765.1_AptMant0
(0 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
247 | notFound | Meleagris_gallopavo | Turkey | GCF_000146605.2_Turkey_5.0
(231286 sequences) |
vertebrate_other |
247 | amaVit1 | Amazona vittata | Parrot | (no refseq) | vertebrate_other |
248 | apaSpi1 | Apalone spinifera | Spiny softshell turtle | (no refseq) | vertebrate_other |
249 | araMac1 | Ara macao | Scarlet macaw | (no refseq) | vertebrate_other |
250 | dicLab1 | Dicentrarchus labrax | European sea bass | (no refseq) | vertebrate_other |
251 | nanPar1 | Nanorana parkeri | Tibetan frog | (no refseq) | vertebrate_other |
252 | sebNig1 | Sebastes nigrocinctus | Tiger rockfish | (no refseq) | vertebrate_other |
253 | sebRub1 | Sebastes rubrivinctus | Flag rockfish | (no refseq) | vertebrate_other |
255 | acrEch0 | Acromyrmex_echinatior | Panamanian leafcutter ant | GCF_000204515.1_Aech_3.9 | invertebrate |
256 | apiMel4 | Apis mellifera | A. mellifera | GCF_000002195.4_Amel_4.5 | invertebrate |
257 | attCep0 | Atta_cephalotes | Ants | GCF_000143395.1_Attacep1.0 | invertebrate |
258 | caeRem4 | Caenorhabditis remanei | C. remanei | GCF_000149515.1_ASM14951v1 | invertebrate |
259 | camFlo0 | Camponotus_floridanus | Florida carpenter ant | GCF_000147175.1_CamFlo_1.0 | invertebrate |
260 | ce11 | Caenorhabditis elegans | C. elegans | GCF_000002985.6_WBcel235 | invertebrate |
261 | cerBir0 | Cerapachys_biroi | Clonal raider ant | GCF_000611835.1_CerBir1.0 | invertebrate |
262 | ci3 | Ciona intestinalis | C. intestinalis | GCF_000224145.1_KH | invertebrate |
263 | dm6 | Drosophila melanogaster | D. melanogaster | GCF_000001215.4_Release_6_plus_ISO1_MT | invertebrate |
264 | droAna3
(has dups: 2) |
Drosophila ananassae | D. ananassae | GCF_000005115.1_dana_caf1
(has dups: 2) GCA_000005115.1_dana_caf1 |
invertebrate |
265 | droBia2 | Drosophila biarmipes | D. biarmipes | GCF_000233415.1_Dbia_2.0 | invertebrate |
266 | droBip2 | Drosophila bipectinata | D. bipectinata | GCF_000236285.1_Dbip_2.0 | invertebrate |
267 | droEle2 | Drosophila elegans | D. elegans | GCF_000224195.1_Dele_2.0 | invertebrate |
268 | droEre2 | Drosophila erecta | D. erecta | GCF_000005135.1_dere_caf1 | invertebrate |
269 | droEug2 | Drosophila eugracilis | D. eugracilis | GCF_000236325.1_Deug_2.0 | invertebrate |
270 | droFic2 | Drosophila ficusphila | D. ficusphila | GCF_000220665.1_Dfic_2.0 | invertebrate |
271 | droGri2 | Drosophila grimshawi | D. grimshawi | GCF_000005155.2_dgri_caf1 | invertebrate |
272 | droKik2 | Drosophila kikkawai | D. kikkawai | GCF_000224215.1_Dkik_2.0 | invertebrate |
273 | droMir2 | Drosophila miranda | D. miranda | GCF_000269505.1_DroMir_2.2 | invertebrate |
274 | droMoj3 | Drosophila mojavensis | D. mojavensis | GCF_000005175.2_dmoj_caf1 | invertebrate |
275 | droPer1 | Drosophila persimilis | D. persimilis | GCF_000005195.2_dper_caf1 | invertebrate |
276 | droRho2 | Drosophila rhopaloa | D. rhopaloa | GCF_000236305.1_Drho_2.0 | invertebrate |
277 | droSuz1 | Drosophila suzukii | D. suzukii | GCF_000472105.1_Dsuzukii.v01 | invertebrate |
278 | droTak2 | Drosophila takahashii | D. takahashii | GCF_000224235.1_Dtak_2.0 | invertebrate |
279 | droVir3
(has dups: 1) |
Drosophila virilis | D. virilis | GCF_000005245.1_dvir_caf1
(has dups: 1) GCA_000005245.1_dvir_caf1 |
invertebrate |
280 | droWil2 | Drosophila willistoni | D. willistoni | GCF_000005925.1_dwil_caf1 | invertebrate |
281 | droYak3 | Drosophila yakuba | D. yakuba | GCF_000005975.2_dyak_caf1 | invertebrate |
282 | harSal0 | Harpegnathos_saltator | Jerdon's jumping ant | GCF_000147195.1_HarSal_1.0 | invertebrate |
283 | linHum0
(has dups: 1) |
Linepithema_humile | Argentine ant | GCF_000217595.1_Lhum_UMD_V04
(has dups: 1) GCA_000217595.1_Lhum_UMD_V04 |
invertebrate |
284 | lotGig0 | Lottia gigantea | Limpet | GCF_000327385.1_Helro1 | invertebrate |
285 | pogBar0 | Pogonomyrmex_barbatus | Red harvester ant | GCF_000187915.1_Pbar_UMD_V03 | invertebrate |
286 | solInv0 | Solenopsis_invicta | Red fire ant | GCF_000188075.1_Si_gnG | invertebrate |
287 | strPur4
(has dups: 1) |
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | S. purpuratus | GCF_000002235.3_Spur_3.1
(has dups: 1) |
invertebrate |
287 | ancCey1 | notFound | A. ceylanicum | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
288 | aplCal0 | notFound | Sea hare | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
289 | bioGla0 | notFound | Snail | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
290 | caeAng1 | notFound | C. angaria | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
291 | caeJap4 | notFound | C. japonica | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
292 | caePb3 | notFound | C. brenneri | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
293 | caeSp111 | notFound | C. tropicalis | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
294 | ci1 | notFound | C. intestinalis | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
295 | droAlb1 | notFound | D. albomicans | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
296 | droSec1 | notFound | D. sechellia | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
297 | melInc1 | notFound | M. incognita | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
298 | priPac2 | notFound | P. pacificus | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
299 | strRat2 | notFound | Threadworm | (no refseq) | invertebrate |
301 | araTha1 | Arabidopsis_thaliana | Thale cress | GCF_000001735.3_TAIR10 | plant |
302 | ricCom1 | Ricinus_communis | Castor bean | GCF_000151685.1_JCVI_RCG_1.1 | plant |
303 | bunEbo1 | Bundibugyo virus | Bundibugyo ebolavirus | GCF_000889155.1_ViralProj51245 | viral |
304 | resEbo1 | Reston ebolavirus | Reston ebolavirus | GCF_000854085.1_ViralProj15006 | viral |
305 | sudEbo1 | Sudan ebolavirus | Sudan ebolavirus | GCF_000855585.1_ViralProj15012 | viral |
306 | taiEbo1 | Tai Forest ebolavirus | Tai forest ebolavirus | GCF_000888475.1_ViralProj51257 | viral |
307 | zaiEbo1 | Zaire ebolavirus | Zaire ebolavirus | GCF_000848505.1_ViralProj14703 | viral |
308 | sacCer3 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | S. cerevisiae | GCF_000146045.2_R64 | fungi |