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Post Release Checklist for Known Genes
This page capture the things to remember after the release of Known Genes for the new assembly.
- Update the metadata in hgcentral:
- set hgNearOk and hgPbOk = 1 in the dbDb table.
- change defaultDb to the new assembly.
- add a record in the gdbPdb table that points the assembly to the recent protein database.
- Check to see if otherOrgs.ra file is updated for this assembly in:
- kent/src/hg/hgGeneData/$org/$db/otherOrga.ra
- For human, mouse and rat ask for a push of:
- /usr/local.apache/htdocs/knownGeneList/$db/*
- from hgwdev --> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/knownGeneList/
- /usr/local/apache/htdocs/knownGeneLists.html (update this file to point to the new assembly)
- from hgwdev --> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
- on all 8 RR machines and MGC
- /usr/local.apache/htdocs/knownGeneList/$db/*
- Add the link to the protein database /goldenPath/proteinDB/proteinsYYMMDD/database/ in:
- downloads.html file
- Also, include the new assembly in this file: /goldenPath/proteinDB/proteinsYYMMDD/database/README.txt (and edit it out of the previous file).