Ensembl minimum install
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Load sequences into MySQL tables
You need the fasta and AGP files for an assembly. Ensembl supports multiple coordinate systems: Any piece of DNA can be referenced by it's chromosomal location (1:1000), its super_contig location (NT_039500:1-1000) or other coordinates
Coordinate systems have a "rank" of importance (the higher the better), and a "version" (so the database contains information for several possible assemblies of the same contigs and annotations can be loaded that are based on several different versions)
- set a little shortcut:
export $DBSPEC="-dbhost -dbuser ens-training -dbport 3306 -dbname mouse37_mini_ref -dbpass workshop"
- Create an empty database named mouse37_mini_ref and populate it with the CORE schema:
mysql -uens-training -pworkshop -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -D mouse37_mini_ref < $HOME/cvs_checkout/ensembl/sql/table.sql
- Load coordinates and actual sequences into the empty core database:
- chromosome -> super_contig mappings:
perl $PS/load_seq_region.pl $DBSPEC -coord_system_name chromosome -coord_system_version NCBIM37 -rank 1 -default_version -agp_file $HOME/workshop/genebuild/assembly/mini_chr_contig.agp
- super_contig -> contig mappings:
perl $PS/load_seq_region.pl -coord_system_name supercontig -default_version -rank 2 -coord_system_version NCBIM37 -agp_file $HOME/workshop/genebuild/assembly/mini_supercontig_contig.agp -verbose
- See what's going on with:
select * from seq_region select * from coord_system select * from dna;
- contigs:
perl $PS/load_seq_region.pl -coord_system_name contig -default_version -rank 3 -sequence_level -coord_system_version NCBIM37 -fasta_file /home/ensembl/workshop/genebuild/assembly/clones_finished_mini.fa
- clones (only this command loads sequences into the "dna" table):
perl $PS/load_seq_region.pl $DBSPEC -coord_system_name clone -default_version -coord_system_version NCBIM37 -rank 4 -agp_file /home/ensembl/workshop/genebuild/assembly/mini_clone_contig.agp