Genome Browser in a box config

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The Gbib is a Ubuntu 13 VirtualBox VM with apache, mysql and the genome browser (see Preparing_VirtualBox_images). It has a special hg.conf, uses the tableList tables in all organism DBs and loads most files from hgdownload on the fly.

For QA release instructions, see Gbib release

Development for the Gbib is a different business and described in Gbib development.

Updating a box

the script /root/ does the whole update. By default, it updates the box to "release" state, which is the one on hgdownload, but can also update to "devbox", "alpha", or "beta" states, these can be prepared by developers or QA during testing, see Gbib release

The script updates various directories on the box:

- cgi-bin: from hgdownload (or from hgwdev, if alpha/beta/devbox state) - htdocs: from hgdownload (or from hgwdev, if alpha/beta/devbox state) - mysql: always from hgdownload - additional files: e.g. additional icons and the tableListAdd.*.tab files in /root. Depending on state, from hgdownload or hgwdev - html patches: Remove menu items, change some text. Static. - some mysql tables (via hgMirror): remove some tracks from search, hide some tracks, load /root/tableListAdd.* etc. Calls hgMirror for this.

Protected tracks have no state and are not updated.

Protected tracks

protected tracks are tracks that are not on hgdownload but are available from the box. Currently these are OMIM and hgmd, but will hopefully include LOVD and decipher one day.

These tracks are missing from the tableList table in hg19, so their tableList info is in /root/ and is added to tableList after each rsync. This is done by hgMirror, (is called from, because hgMirror includes all post-rsync code now.

The track tables are added manually to the box once and are not updated with normal auto updates.

OMIM are just the normal tables, in a copy form hgwbeta from Apr 2014.

The HGMD table is just a pointer to a bigbed file on hgdownload. Our binaries include code to add a password when this file is loaded via https.

Auto updates

The script is called by cron every five minutes. This can be changed with autoUpdatesOff and autoUpdatesOn as user "browser" (see ~browser/.bashrc).

The script checks if a flagfile on hgdownload has changed relative to a local file. If it has not been changed, then the script just stops.