Human/hg19/GRCh37 46-way multiple alignment

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Revision as of 00:00, 4 December 2009 by Hiram (talk | contribs) (linear format tree)
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The 46 species multiple alignment on human/hg19/GRCh37 is an extra large bit of work. A discussion of the phylogenetic trees used in the alignment is included here.


The initial release of this track include a phylogenetic tree that had two small errors in it. 46way.nh
Namely: Baboon (papHam1) and Rhesus (rheMac2) were specified as separate nodes instead of correctly sister species. The same problem is present for Wallaby (macEug1) and Opossum (monDom5). The discussion below includes a corrected phylogenetic tree.

Corrected Tree

I'm currently rerunning a test with the multiple alignment and phastCons/phyloP annotations to see if the corrected tree makes any significant difference in the result. I'm expecting the difference to be minor. In the meantime, included here is a corrected tree:


Almost in linear format:

hg19    :       0.006690                                                       ,
panTro2 :       0.006663        ):      0.002736                               ,
gorGor1 :       0.008781        ):      0.009574                               ,
ponAbe2 :       0.018320        ):      0.014347                               ,(
rheMac2 :       0.007863                                                       ,
papHam1 :       0.007644        ):      0.029610        ):      0.021965       ,
calJac1 :       0.066248        ):      0.057725                               ,
tarSyr1 :       0.138111        ):      0.011068                               ,(
micMur1 :       0.092694                                                       ,
otoGar1 :       0.129822        ):      0.035615        ):      0.015654       ,
tupBel1 :       0.186600        ):      0.004734                               ,(((((
mm9     :       0.084475                                                       ,
rn4     :       0.091689        ):      0.198456                               ,
dipOrd1 :       0.212120        ):      0.022998                               ,
cavPor3 :       0.225832        ):      0.009965                               ,
speTri1 :       0.148889        ):      0.025869                               ,(
oryCun2 :       0.113952                                                       ,
ochPri2 :       0.201056        ):      0.101863        ):      0.015314       ):       0.020677        ,(((
vicPac1 :       0.107300                                                       ,(
turTru1 :       0.064649                                                       ,
bosTau4 :       0.123608        ):      0.025219        ):      0.040465       ,((
equCab2 :       0.109511                                                       ,(
felCat3 :       0.098624                                                       ,
canFam2 :       0.102582        ):      0.050027        ):      0.006078       ,(
myoLuc1 :       0.142585                                                       ,
pteVam1 :       0.113375        ):      0.033777        ):      0.004432       ):       0.011563        ,(
eriEur1 :       0.222118                                                       ,
sorAra1 :       0.269476        ):      0.056631        ):      0.021325       ):       0.023667        ,(((
loxAfr3 :       0.082207                                                       ,
proCap1 :       0.155479        ):      0.026990                               ,
echTel1 :       0.246016        ):      0.049975                               ,(
dasNov2 :       0.116621                                                       ,
choHof1 :       0.096458        ):      0.053301        ):      0.006623       ):       0.234681        ,(
monDom5 :       0.126451                                                       ,
macEug1 :       0.122582        ):      0.215267        ):      0.074190       ,
ornAna1 :       0.453572        ):      0.105220                               ,((
galGal3 :       0.164727                                                       ,
taeGut1 :       0.171381        ):      0.198499                               ,
anoCar1 :       0.489779        ):      0.107898        ):      0.188168       ,
xenTro2 :       0.847575        ):      0.300265                               ,(((
tetNig2 :       0.223507                                                       ,
fr2     :       0.203488        ):      0.182455                               ,(
gasAcu1 :       0.310214                                                       ,
oryLat2 :       0.480345        ):      0.073203        ):      0.316470       ,
danRer6 :       0.731528        ):      0.180826        ):      0.480450       ,
petMar1 :       0.480450        );

Multiple Trees

For the phyloP/phastCons calculations, there are a number of trees that were used.

There is a set of trees with branch lengths calculated based only on the ordinary chromosomes without chrX, and a set of trees calculated based only on chrX.

Within those two categories, there are three trees with branch lengths calculated from subsets of the 46 species:

  1. primate subset only
  2. placental mammal subset only
  3. all 46 vertebrates

Thus, there are six different phylogenetic trees.