User:Roberto Malinverni

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I work at IMPPC Institut de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer of Badalona (Barcelona - Spain) like postdoctoral bio-informatician on epigenomic field (laboratory of Chromatin and Cell Fate - PI - Dr. Marcus Buschbeck). I'm interested in CHiP-seq analysis a NGS applied on histone modification.

I discuss my PhD at University of Milan - “Genome-wide trascriptional response of primary alveolar macrophages following infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus”.

selected articles:

The genome sequence of taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution. Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium. Science. 2009 Apr 24;324(5926):522-8.

Annotation of 390 bovine miRNA genes by sequence similarity with other species. Strozzi F,Mazza R,Malinverni R, Williams JL. Anim Genet. 2009 Feb;40(1):125. Epub 2008 Oct 20.

Genome-wide transcriptional response of primary alveolar macrophages following infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. *Genini S, *Delputte PL,

  • Malinverni R, Cecere M, Stella A, Nauwynck HJ,

Giuffra E. J Gen Virol. 2008 Oct;89(Pt 10):2550-64.

  • These authors contributed equally to this work