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- .plan
- 2008-08-archive
- Advanced Cell Browser Topics
- All.joiner problem
- Apache error log output
- Archived assemblies
- Assembly QA Jupyter
- Assembly QA Part 1 DEV Steps
- Assembly QA Part 2 Track Steps
- Assembly QA Part 3 BETA Steps
- Assembly QA Part 4 RR Steps
- Assembly Release QA Steps
- Big Bed/Wig QA
- BlastTabs
- Browser Outreach
- Building GenArk genomes
- CBSE citation format
- CGI Build Process
- CGI Build Schedule
- CGI Testing
- CGI release script
- CGI testing responsibilities
- Cell Browser Release Process
- Cell Browser best practices
- Cell Browser data flow and architecture
- Cell Browser dataset versioning
- Cell Browser filters
- Cell Browser scripts
- Cell Browser testing
- Cell Browser wrangling guided examples
- Certbot
- Chains and Nets QA
- Changes to cv.ra
- Checking RR status through hgTracksRandom
- Cherry-picking a change in git
- Code summary
- Commit access
- Conservation Track QA
- Creating a pushQ Entry
- Crispr QA
- Curated Hubs
- Custom Track Examples
- Custom trash database machine
- Data Hub Feedback
- Demo Sandbox
- Demo sandbox
- Details pages -- conventions
- ENCODE Data Wrangler HOWTO
- ENCODE QA Checklist
- Editing the Cell Browser docs
- Editing the human trackDb.ra file
- Editing trackDb.chainNet.ra
- Email templates
- Emergency Backup BLAT Servers
- Ensembl Links
- Ensembl QA
- Euronode
- Events
- ExonMostlyDesignMeeting 11-19-14
- ExonMostlyInitialDesignMeeting
- ExonMostlyInitialDesignMeetingWhiteboard
- Finding archive datasets for the Cell Browser
- Frequently asked mailing list questions
- Fulltext retrieval software
- GBi* Release Process
- GBiB Testing
- GBiC Testing
- GRC Patch Release
- Gbib auto updates
- Gbib development
- Gbib release
- Gbib updates
- GenBank QA
- GenbankAlignments
- GenbankServiceLog
- Genbank updates
- Generating coordinates using cbScanpy
- Genome-preview machine
- GenomeCloud
- Genome Browser Grant Proposal for 2017-2022
- Genome Browser in a Box config
- Getting started with Cell Browser wrangling
- Git shared repository
- Google Calendar
- HTML and CSS
- HgTablesTest details
- HgTracks multi-region changes
- Installing and testing previous CGI versions
- Internet browser testing
- It's a long way to the RR
- KnownGene
- KnownGene build
- LinkOut from NCBI
- Main Page
- Make your own virtual space
- Making a hub for a cell browser
- Managing cellbrowser.conf tag values for multiple datasets
- Markdown resources
- Minimal browser
- Monitoring Tasks
- Monitoring Tasks Notes
- Moving a Branch Tag
- MySQL Commands
- NAR Paper
- NewMenu
- New track checklist
- Otto Tracks
- Outdated instructions for releasing an assembly
- Parasol how to
- Patching a Branch
- Popular Links
- Post-Release-Checklist
- Posters
- Pre-QA
- Pre-pushq checklist
- Preparing VirtualBox images
- Public Hub Guidelines
- Public Hub QA
- Push-Request Etiquette
- PushQ new user
- Push Shepherd Responsibilities
- Pushing Static Docs (htdocs)
- Pushing trackDb
- QA Checklist for Cancer Browser
- QA Home Page
- QA Python Tools
- QA Track Checklist
- QA scripts
- QAing Gencode Genes
- QAing UCSC Genes
- RR Down: Sending Alert Messages about Genome Browser Being Offline
- Recommended Track Sets
- Related Tracks
- Renaming a Cell Browser dataset
- Replacing old tables with new ones
- Requests for liftOver files
- Revert Git Change
- Running joinerCheck for all databases
- SNP Track QA
- Sample .bashrc
- ScATAC-seq in the Cell Browser
- Scripting standards
- Search robot
- Selenium
- Selenium python GBiB script
- Setting up rclone for the Cell Browser
- Single cell browsers
- Slowness
- Ssh authentication setup
- Static Page JS Protocol
- Static Page Protocol
- Static content for new assemblies
- Subtrack Configuration
- System Architecture Map
- The Pubs pipeline
- Track Hub Example
- Track QA Guidelines
- Training new Browser Engineers
- Training new Browser Staff
- Trash cleaners
- UCSC Genes Staging Process
- UCSC Genes tables
- UI with ReactJS and ImmutableJS
- UNIX Commands
- URLs for Details Pages
- Updating QA crontabs
- Updating blat servers
- Upgrading gfServer
- Usage Statistics
- V154 Release
- VI quick start
- VariantAnnotationTool
- Versioned Track Hubs
- Welcome to Browser Staff
- Windows testing machine
- Wrangling process
- Writing code summaries
- Zotero Citation tool