Email templates
This page has some templates we use in making push-requests, and other often sent emails.
Push Request Emails
1. Template: push to hgnfs1 Email Subject:
Hi Pushers,
Please push the following files:
from hgwdev --> hgnfs1
Reason: staging ___ track on beta.
Thank you,
2. Template: push to ENCODE/downloads.html
Email Subject:
Hi Pushers,
Please push the following files:
from hgwbeta --> RR.
Reason: added the newly released ENCODE ________ (___).
Thank you,
3. Template: push static docs Email Subject:
Hi Pushers,
Please push the following files:
from hgwbeta --> RR.
Thank you,
4. Template: push ENCODE downloads
Email Subject:
Hi Pushers,
Please push the ___ files listed below:
/usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/_db_/encodeDCC/wgEncode_____/release__ /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/_db_/encodeDCC/wgEncode_____/release__
from hgwdev to hgdownload (*except one directory above*):
5. Template: push tables
Email Subject:
Hi Pushers,
Please push the following tables from the ___ database:
from hgwbeta ---> mysqlrr
Thank you,
6. Template: push trackDb & friends
Email Subject:
Hi Pushers,
Please push trackDb and friends for the ____ database.
Thank you!
7. Template: push trackDb&friends & tables
Email Subject:
Hi Pushers,
For the ___ database:
1) Please push trackDb and friends
2) Please push the following tables:
from hgwbeta ---> mysqlrr
Thank you,
8. Template: Request description page push from gbdb
Email Subject:
Hi pushers,
Please push the description.html for the following assemblies:
from hgwdev ----> hgnfs1
Reason: Correcting assembly date for micMur1
Thank you,
Other Email Templates
More to come.